Monday, February 3, 2014

Internship at National Network for Mathematical and Computational Biology



  National Network for Mathematical and Computational Biology

Internships available for Bachelors and Masters students
Each node will host student interns interested in pursuing a research career in mathematical or computational biology at institutions located in its region.

Eligibility: Bachelors (3rd or 4th year) and Masters students
Average duration: 3 months (could be more in certain cases). These internships can be availed at any time during 2014 subject to consent from the faculty mentor. 
Fellowship amount: Rs. 10,000 per month. In addition, outstation interns can receive up to Rs. 5000 per month for accommodation and Rs. 3000 for travel from and to their home place.
Application procedure: Apply online at

For more details visit the following link:

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