Monday, January 20, 2014

Internship Opportunities at IBM Research - India

 Internship Opportunities at IBM Research - India

IBM Research - India ( invites applications for its 2014 Internship Program in Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences and Services Science, Management & Engineering at its locations in New Delhi and Bangalore. We are seeking highly motivated graduate students, who are interested in experiencing an exciting summer of research. The selected students will have the opportunity to work closely with an outstanding research team on challenging problems that range from leading-edge exploratory work to prototyping real-world systems and applications. During the internship, the students will also have the opportunity to participate in the dynamic technical environment of the largest industrial research organization in the world and network with other students in different fields from other universities. We offer internship positions in various research areas such as:

  • Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences
    • Mathematical Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
    • Stochastic Modeling and Optimization
    • Scalable Machine Learning and Online Computation
    • High Performance Computing & Analytics
    • Scientific Computing & Modeling Using Coupled PDEs
    • Game Theory and Mechanism Design
  • Information Management and Analytics
    • Big Data Processing
    • Social Media Analytics
    • Cleansing Noisy Data
    • Spatio-Temporal Data
    • Information Fusion @ Scale
    • Information Integration and Entity Resolution
    • IT Operational Analytics
    • Information Trust and Security
    • Network Analytics
  • Knowledge Engineering Services
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Information Retrieval & Extraction
    • Text Analytics
    • Machine Learning & Machine Translation
  • Mobile & Telecom Research
    • Telecom and Mobile Analytics
    • Telecom Infrastructure and Middleware
    • Mobile Application Development Environments and Run-time
    • Mobile Device and Application Management
    • Context-aware Services
    • Machine to Machine
    • Mobile Enabled Solutions for industries
  • Productivity Tools & Software Engineering
    • Software Testing
    • Debugging and Program Repair
    • Mining Software Repositories
    • Programming the Web
    • Software Security
    • Service Delivery Optimization
  • Smarter Planet Solutions
    • High-performance computing
    • Weather & climate modeling
    • Renewable energy
    • Power systems
    • Machine learning
    • Optimization
    • User Interface/Experience Design
    • Embedded systems
  • Systems Research
    • Cloud Computing
    • Distributed Systems
    • Systems (Network, Storage, Servers)
    • Software Defined Networking
    • Data Center Networking
    • Wireless Architecture

At a high level, our internships serve a dual purpose:
  • Interns bring in fresh ideas and perspectives to the lab and help us conduct world-class research, thus creating impact.
  • IBM Research provides interns an environment where they experience a world-class industrial research setting.
We measure the success of our internships in one of the following ways:
  • Projects done at internships are targeted towards top conferences and journals. Most of our interns have been successful in the past in publishing their papers in top conferences.
  • Projects completed during the internships become part of larger research projects at IBM.
  • The projects that the students participate in are also of interest to the universities that they come from and help increase collaborations with the universities.

Eligibility Criteria: Graduate students (preferably PhD) in Computer Science, Mathematical Science and Services Science, Management & Engineering and related. 

Stipend and Relocation: The interns will be paid a stipend that is competitive with what other leading companies pay in India. IBM Research - India will also cover expenses related to travel to the work location and provide logistical support for accommodation. In the case of PhD interns, additional monetary support will also be provided for accommodation.
Location: New Delhi and Bangalore. 

Application along with your latest CV can be submitted to 

You must submit your internship application on or before January 31, 2014 for consideration in the 2014 program. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews in February 2014. 
Detailed overview of our research groups and skills required for the projects is given in below.

For more details visit the following link:

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