Sunday, November 17, 2013

Internship at NAV Capital mumbai

Trade Strategy Specialist Intern

  • Origination and structuring of new trading ideas - developing new strategies based on recent market movements
  • Conducting extensive quantitative analysis of new ideas, e.g. historical back testing, optimization, Monte Carlo simulations etc.
  • Evaluating risk-return profile of the strategies
  • Candidates with VBA/Excel/MATLAB programming skills will be preferred

  • Trade Execution Specialist Intern

  • Assisting the team with programming tasks associated with, but not limited to, the execution of strategies and their deployment on a live markets
  • Developing trading strategies using mathematical prototyping softwares
  • Risk-return monitoring of the strategies using in-house developed models
  • Candidates with C/C++/Java/MATLAB programming skills will be preferred

  • Business Development/Marketing Intern

  • Building a marketing plan to reach out to both institutional and retail clients
  • Building pitches for trading strategies to be presented to clients
  • Assisting the team in client meetings and presentations
  • for detalis visit
  • join us at 

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